
This page was created by the Matagorda 县 Hospital District as a courtesy repository for all known 星际线上娱乐 case information in Matagorda 县 as provided by the Texas Department of State 健康 Services (DSHS). 有关星际线上娱乐检测和如何寻求治疗的更多信息可在下面找到.


MCHD will continue requiring face masks in order to enter Hospital District owned or operated facilities. 政府. Abbott’s Executive Order GA-36 regarding the prohibition of 政府ernmental entities and officials from mandating face coverings or restricting activities does 不 apply to the Matagorda 县 Hospital District or its owned or operated facilities.


For the latest updates and all known historical data including the latest 星际线上娱乐 numbers specific to Matagorda 县, please 访问 the free dashboard updated and maintained by the Texas Department of State 健康 Services (DSHS) using the links below.



  • 有些人, 包括85岁以上的成年人, 孕妇, and people with severe underlying conditions may be at a higher risk of 星际线上娱乐 complications than others. 点击这里了解更多.


  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, 或者擤完鼻子, 咳嗽, 或打喷嚏.
  • 清洗尤其重要:
    • 在吃或准备食物之前
    • 在触摸你的脸之前
    • 用完洗手间后
    • 离开公共场所后
    • 在擤鼻涕、咳嗽或打喷嚏之后
    • 处理完你的布面后
    • 换完尿布后
    • 在照顾了生病的人之后
    • 接触动物或宠物后
  • If soap and water are 不 readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. 覆盖双手的所有表面,相互摩擦,直到双手感觉干燥.
  • 避免用未洗手的手触摸眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴.


  • 在家中:避免与病人密切接触.
    • 如果可能的话,与病人和其他家庭成员保持6英尺的距离.
  • Outside your home: Put 6 feet of distance between yourself and people who don’t live in your household.
    • 请记住,一些没有症状的人可能会传播病毒.
    • 与他人保持至少6英尺(约2臂长)的距离.
    • Keeping distance from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.


  • 即使你没有生病,你也可能将星际线上娱乐传播给他人.
  • 布面罩是为了保护其他人,以防你被感染.
  • Everyone should wear a cloth face cover in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, 特别是在其他社会距离措施难以维持的情况下.
    • 2岁以下的幼儿不应戴布面罩, 任何呼吸困难的人, 还是无意识的, 在没有协助的情况下丧失行动能力或无法取下口罩.
  • 不要使用医护人员专用的口罩. 目前, surgical masks and N95 respirators are critical supplies that should be reserved for healthcare workers and other first responders.
  • 与他人保持6英尺的距离. 布面罩并不能代替社交距离.


  • 每天清洁和消毒经常接触的表面. 这包括表格, 门把手, 电灯开关, 台面, 处理, 桌子, 手机, 键盘, 厕所, 水龙头, 和汇.
  • 如果表面很脏,请清洗. 消毒前使用清洁剂或肥皂和水.
  • 然后,使用家用消毒剂. 大多数普通的epa注册家用消毒剂都有效.


  • 警惕症状. 注意发烧、咳嗽、呼吸短促或其他星际线上娱乐症状.
    • 如果你在做一些重要的事情,这一点尤为重要, 进入办公室或工作场所, 在难以保持6英尺物理距离的环境中.
  • 如果出现症状,请量体温.
    • Don’t take your temperature within 30 minutes of exercising or after taking medications that could lower your temperature, 如对乙酰氨基酚.
  • 遵循 美国疾病控制与预防中心的指导 如果出现症状.


  • 发烧或发冷
  • 咳嗽
  • 呼吸短促或呼吸困难
  • 乏力
  • 肌肉或身体疼痛
  • 头疼
  • 味觉或嗅觉新丧失
  • 喉咙痛
  • 鼻塞或流鼻涕
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 腹泻


  • 呼吸困难
  • 胸部持续疼痛或压迫
  • 新的困惑
  • 不能清醒或不能保持清醒
  • 嘴唇或脸发青

应该立即拨打911并提醒接线员注意他们的症状吗. 此列表并非所有可能的症状. Please call your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning to you.


任何人都可以 experiencing a medical emergency but who feels they should be 测试 or seek medical care for 星际线上娱乐 should:

1. 在寻求治疗之前,请致电他们的初级保健提供者. Calling ahead allows your healthcare provider to screen you for symptoms quickly and safely over the phone, 如果需要的话, 以您的名义订购星际线上娱乐测试. 如果你没有初级保健提供者, you can call the main hospital line at (979) 245-6383 or contact the Emergency Room directly at (979) 241-3315. 请注意,如果没有医疗紧急情况, obtaining a 星际线上娱乐 test order from your primary care physician or Urgent Care provider before 访问ing 星际娱乐app’s Emergency Room is almost al道路s the most cost effective option.

2. 如果您选择的医疗保健提供者是马塔戈达地区医疗中心, 电话检查的结果表明你的症状值得关注, 您将被引导到星际娱乐app急诊室进行面对面的评估. 可能会有特别的说明,以确保您的安全过渡, 其他病人, 星际线上娱乐的医疗专业人员.

3. Your medical provider may choose to order a respiratory panel or other lab tests to determine if other respiratory illnesses, 比如流感, 存在.

4. 您的星际线上娱乐提供者将决定您是否应该接受星际线上娱乐检测, 并将使用国家推荐的标准作出这一决定. 检测结果通常在48-72小时内公布, though the results may take longer to be returned when a large number of patients are seeking testing at the same time.

5. 如果你的测试结果是阳性的, 这意味着你确实感染了星际线上娱乐, a State epidemiologist may contact you and begin an investigation to address multiple points of concern. 这可能包括联系你的家人, 朋友, 和同事, 如果合适的话,和其他社区成员一起.

是的. 所有患者均有医生证实的症状, 所有符合住院治疗标准的患者, and all patients scheduled for an inpatient or outpatient procedure at the hospital will be 测试 for 星际线上娱乐.


最快 道路 to receive your 星际线上娱乐 test result is to contact your medical provider or log on to your 星际娱乐app患者门户. 您的星际线上娱乐提供者通常会在48-72小时内获得您的星际线上娱乐检测结果.

如果你的雇主要求你进行星际线上娱乐测试, 请致电人力资源部或员工安全部门查询结果. 你的雇主通常会在48-72小时内收到你的星际线上娱乐检测结果.

最慢的 道路 收到你的星际线上娱乐检测结果是打电话给医院实验室. 不建议使用这种方法,因为医院实验室:

  1. 不是为处理大量公众电话而设的.
  2. 在星际线上娱乐大流行期间被额外的数量淹没了吗.
  3. 是否受到严格的HIPAA和必须遵守的披露政策的约束.
  4. 已被指示优先支持 内部 医院服务.

点击这里访问您的星际娱乐app患者门户. 如果您在访问门户时需要技术帮助,请拨打(979)241-5545.

是的. Anyone may choose to seek testing through a不her provider in Matagorda 县 such as the 马塔戈达医疗集团(MMG), MEHOP, PCMC或任何提供星际线上娱乐检测服务的当地医生. 另外,你可以考虑其中之一 德克萨斯州的许多星际线上娱乐检测收集点 或者访问另一个区域设施进行测试. 一如既往地, 建议您提前打电话确认您可以进行测试, as many healthcare facilities across Texas are struggling to manage resources or may require a tele-health 访问 or screening or in-person 访问 or screening before testing is ordered.

3月12日, 2021: 星际娱乐app has closed the vaccine wait list to new registrants and will conduct all future public 星际线上娱乐 vaccine clinics on a first-come, 标间.

3月3日, 2021: 星际娱乐app will continue requiring health screens and face masks in order to enter Hospital District owned or operated facilities even after 政府. 雅培的GA-34号行政命令生效了. http://tpgevb.tierratrueblog.com/ga34

2021年1月: 星际娱乐app的星际线上娱乐等候名单可在此处找到(现已关闭). 先到, 在满足1A期和1B期患者优先顺序要求后优先服务, 所以今天就注册吧.

2020年12月3日:第三波星际线上娱乐在马塔戈达县开始. 点击这里观看视频 消息或 点击这里查看成绩单并获得语言帮助.

9月17日, 2020: 政府ernor Abbott has issued two Executive Orders to reopen certain venues to 75% capacity and allow for the resumption of elective surgeries. 资格, counties must be in a Trauma Service Area (TSA) where the number of COVID‑19 hospitalized patients as a percentage of all hospitalized patients has been 15% or less for seven consecutive days. 马塔戈达县位于创伤服务区Q (TSA-Q)。. 人口与健康服务部有一个县的名单 授权重新开放. 列表 可以在这里找到 每日更新.

9月9日, 2020年:周一, 9月14日, 星际线上娱乐将开始使用直接链接到DSHS仪表板的每日数字. 每日数字表将不再更新,并将被删除.

的 Texas Department of State 健康 Services (DSHS) has made several changes in the 道路 星际线上娱乐 data are verified and reported, 导致“死亡率人口统计数据”, 死亡趋势, 各县死亡人数, number recovered and number of active cases [being] impacted by the transition” according to a DSHS statement provided to Matagorda 县 Officials on Monday. 点击这里阅读更多.

July 22, 2020: A second video update on the 星际线上娱乐 public reporting structure has been produced. 点击这里 观看视频.

7月20日, 2020: 的 Matagorda 县 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) now produces a weekly 星际线上娱乐 report. 该报告于每周一晚上8点前发布. 的 latest report is linked from the 星际线上娱乐 case table at the top of this page under the section “View Report (G).”

7月18日, 2020年:作为一个提醒, the Texas Department of State 健康 Services (DSHS) is 不 recommending 星际线上娱乐 testing be required before returning to work. 他们还建议有星际线上娱乐症状的轻度患者, 比如发烧或咳嗽, 在家自我控制症状. 以下是DSHS致雇主信的英文和西班牙文链接: http://tpgevb.tierratrueblog.com/dshs-letter-to-texas-employers-english-spanish/

7月13日, 2020年:立即生效, 马塔戈达县公开报告星际线上娱乐信息的方式将会改变. We will now use Texas Department of State 健康 Services (DSHS) numbers as the sole source for public reporting. If you’d like to know why this decision was made and why the new numbers will initially be lower, 看看这个视频. http://youtu.be/PRXMxCMZqgE

7月1日, 2020: A community update video was produced detailing the hospital’s current status and reminding everyone to embrace safe practices as we move into the July 4th 假期. 链接到文本和视频在这里.

2020年6月22日: 关于马塔戈达县新冠肺炎疫情状况的联合声明.

2020年5月8日: 以下公开信息是由Dr. 法祖尼加 on behalf of the Matagorda 县 Hospital District and the 马塔戈达地区医疗中心 星际线上娱乐 Taskforce.

5月7日, 2020: Matagorda 县 Hospital District Officials have just received confirmation that a man between the ages of 90 and 100 passed a道路 with symptoms consistent with 星际线上娱乐. 的 patient’s 星际线上娱乐 status was confirmed in an outpatient setting prior to being admitted to the 马塔戈达地区医疗中心 for care. 这名男子后来被转移到维多利亚的一家医疗机构,在那里他去世了. 这是马塔戈达县居民确诊的第五例与星际线上娱乐相关的死亡病例. 星际线上娱乐为他的家人和所爱的人祈祷, 以及所有哀悼他去世的社区成员.

5月7日, 2020: We are saddened to announce that a woman between the ages of 75 and 85 passed a道路 at 马塔戈达地区医疗中心 with symptoms consistent with 星际线上娱乐. 这是马塔戈达县第四例确诊的与星际线上娱乐相关的死亡病例.

2020年4月28日新闻稿:Matagorda 县 Hospital District (MCHD) Administrative and Medical Officials Meet with State, 县, 和城市领导人讨论“恢复正常”运营状态的方案.

4月25日, 2020: 的 typical wait time for 星际线上娱乐 test results listed on this page was shortened to “2 to 4 days.”

4月23日, 2020年:本页顶部的表1和表2的格式将在周一发生变化, 4月27日, in order to simplify and clarify reporting in the wake of Matagorda 县’s mobile test collection initiative. 4月27日开始, 所有的病例, 2)康复病例, 3)已故, 4)按类别累计报告活跃病例. 如果您需要上述表格中的信息, 你应该在4月27日早上5点之前将它复制并保存到个人文件中.

4月22日, 2020: Matagorda 县 will be hosting a free coronavirus (星际线上娱乐) mobile test collection site for anyone experiencing symptoms of 星际线上娱乐. 需要预约, 为了让社区成员接受筛查,必须遵守协议, 测试, 并收到他们的冠状病毒(星际线上娱乐)检测结果. 更新:在这次测试活动中,67人接受了测试,0人被拒之门外. 星际线上娱乐预计最早将于周二获得初步驾驶测试结果, 4月28日, 所有结果将于周五公布, 5月1日. 的se numbers will be combined and included in daily totals just like all test site information in Matagorda 县 is combined and reported.

4月7日, 2020 at 2:11pm: 的 Texas Department of State 健康 Services (DSHS) serves as the health department for Matagorda 县. 星际线上娱乐正在与DSHS合作编写星际线上娱乐初步恢复报告, 星际线上娱乐希望能够尽快提交这份报告. 一旦星际线上娱乐确认了恢复信息, 星际线上娱乐将把它发布在星际线上娱乐公共信息页面http://www上.马塔哥达regional.org/covid19

2020年4月5日. 发布了新冠肺炎社区更新视频. 点击这里 查看文本并链接到视频更新.

2020年3月30日上午9:34. 因为工作量越来越大, 多个测试站点, 以及正在进行的流行病学调查的复杂性, negative and pending 星际线上娱乐 test information will no longer be reported daily on this website. 所有阳性病例信息列在上表中. Periodic updates on negative and pending test counts will be provided through hospital and county official public releases when available.

2020年3月30日上午8:27. 因为工作量越来越大 以及正在进行的流行病学调查的复杂性, 本页显示的星际线上娱乐数据将于每天下午1点更新.

3月28日, 2020年晚上7:19, the following 星际线上娱乐 positive patient demographic was removed from the table above after the information was reported in both Matagorda and Wharton counties. 经过进一步调查, it was determined that the following 星际线上娱乐 case should be counted and managed by Wharton 县: 3/27/2020; F; 50-55; HOM; NO.

截至3月27日, 2020, 卫生署不再就个别星际线上娱乐阳性个案发出新闻稿. 本页顶部的表格列出了所有已知的星际线上娱乐病例信息.

从3月27日早上7点开始,星际娱乐app的访问政策将再次改变. 任何访客不得离开分娩教练, 儿科护理人员, 还有那些面临生命终结的人. In those cases, only one 访问or will be allowed for the safety of our patients, 访问ors, and staff. 游客必须年满18岁,并将在门口接受与星际线上娱乐相关的症状筛查.

这是给所有马塔戈达县居民的礼貌通知. 的 2020年3月10日上午11时, we are expecting the results of over 40 星际线上娱乐 tests to be returned to our health professionals throughout the 县 over the next several days. As more residents meet State criteria for testing, the results are taking longer to be verified. 目前,一些结果需要长达12天的时间才能得到核实和报告. 值得注意的是,测试结果的延迟并不会改变结果. All patients meeting State requirements for testing are directed to self-quarantine at home immediately regardless of when the test result is expected.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform our citizens that the high number of pending test results may soon give the appearance of an unexpected “spike,或阳性病例的不可解释的增加. 这不是真的. 当星际线上娱乐有大量的测试等待结果时, we fully expect and are prepared to deal with a large number of both positive and negative test results.

立即生效, 星际娱乐app周末紧急护理 会暂时关闭以增加急诊室的能力吗.


Matagorda 县 Hospital District Statement on the term “Presumptive” in the statement “Presumptive Positive Coronavirus (星际线上娱乐) Case.”


Questions or comments about the data found by following links posted on this page should be directed to DSHS by email at pressofficer@dshs.德州.政府. Questions or comments about the interpretation of the data presented on this page should be sent to the Matagorda 县 Emergency Operations Center by email at covid19@co.马塔哥达.tx.us.

Hospital District Officials will 不 respond to inquiries regarding patient-specific or case-specific information, 不会推测或预测星际线上娱乐数据.